Duration 6:2


81 watched
Published 11 Aug 2020

TESTIMONIAL: I’ve been working with Mauro for nearly two years. I love both the physical training and the self defence training. The physical training consists of mostly body weight exercises and calisthenics. This kind of work is great for all muscles in your body and can help you in many forms in day to day life. It also goes hand in hand with the self defence as it helps balance and makes you stronger. The self defence training consists mostly of kickboxing and close combat situations. This training makes you more confident in your ability to protect yourself. The iscudi martial art teaches you how to defend yourself on the street and also deal with confrontational situations. “Daniel Weedle” —————————— “Circuito per difesa personale” Questo allenamento fa parte del programma iscudi, esso consiste in un mix di sparring,esercizi a corpo libero e corsa. Lo scopo di questo allenamento è semplice.. Stancare il corpo in modo da aumentare lo stress quando ci si deve difendere da un’attacco. Le distanze usate nel combattimento sono le seguenti: Pugno, calcio, clinch, cadute, difesa a terra. Questo esercizio può anche essere praticato due o tre contro uno. Logicamente lo/a studente verrà aiutato/a la dove ci siano lacune tecniche e o mancanza di un’adeguata preparazione fisica. Questo esercizio può essere praticato anche dai principianti in quanto in difesa personale tutti possono essere soggetti ad un attacco anche quelli non preparati. ———————— This type of training is very effective because it can help the students to understand (at certain degree)the level of stress and lack of energy which most of the people will experience during an attack/assault. It is important to show a reaction,even if it means running away....,otherwise there will consequence.


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