Duration 3:13

Homemade maple syrup | طريقة عمل صوص بانكيك | شيره حلويات | golden syrup recipe 中國

21 194 watched
Published 27 Mar 2022

Maple syrup 1/2 sugar 3 tb spoon water ____ 1 cups sugar 3/4 cup water 2 tabspoon lemon Tea spoon vanilla essence _____ نص كوب سكر ٣ ملاعق ماء _____ كوب سكر ٣/٤ كوب ماء ملعقتين عصير ليمون ملعقة صغيرة فانيليا ______ Youtube Thanks for watching plz LIKE and SHARE this video SUBSCRIBE my youtube channel for more videos and clicked the bell so you will not miss any of my videos I would be very glad if u SUBSCRIBE and turn ON the notifications BELL🤍 ________ Join my channel for more recipe /user/h0nest100 ______________ Join me on instagram https://instagram.com/justmadihaa?utm_medium=copy_link _________________ ______ Some more recipes ———————————- Coffee beans cookies egg less|كوكيز حبات القهوة /watch/YZSF02oO7_ZOF ————————— 5 healthy lunch box recipes /watch/Ioh8qGuzf57z8 ————————— turkish piano wet cake|| كيكة البيانو /watch/00sxj1kpbvDpx —————————— Soudi chicken kabsa | كبسة السعودية /watch/Ab8vDAEN0L5Nv #صوص #شيرة #maplesyrup #goldensyrup #homemademaplesyrup #بانكيك #pancakesauce #pancakesyruprecipe #pancakerecipe #شير


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