Duration 13:8

चिनी रोग बारे जान्नैपर्ने 10 कुरा | doctor sathi | Dr Bhupendra Shah

101 734 watched
3 K
Published 15 Nov 2019

यस भिडियोमा डाक्टर भुपेन्द्रले चिनी रोग सम्बन्धी जान्नैपर्ने 10 कुराबारे छलफल गर्नुभएको छ. Dr Bhupendra shah explains the 10 most improtant facts of diabetes mellitus in nepali language. Youtube: /channel/UCRQyaeveYRpmvYTIUvNvaAg Website: http://www.shahbhupendra.com.np Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Bhupendra2005/ Instagram: hcttps://www.instagram.com/bhupendra_shah561/ Email address: doctorbhupen@gmail.com Office address: Department of Internal Medicine, B.P. Koirala institute of Health Sciences,Dharan, Nepal OPD days- Tuesday and Friday(General OPD), Sunday to Thursday (Special day) #DiabetesNepali #DoctorSathi #BhupendraShah


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