Duration 10:2

اسرع بسكوت من عجينة واحدة 6 اشكال The fastest cookie with one dough, 6 shapes with different flavors 中國

396 watched
Published 24 May 2021

6 cups flour 2 cups margarine 2 cups powdered sugar 2 eggs vanilla 1 teaspoon baking powder optional pinch of salt additives colored sugar ground peanuts and green color dried fruits, apricot, plum, raisins ~ ~ Chocolate Chips Raw Cocoa & Cinnamon Coconut & Cinnamon In the oven for ten minutes #اسرع_بسكوت_10دقايق_اشكال_مختلفة #اسهل_مقادير_بسكوت_بنكهات_اقتصادية #The easiest_cookie_10minutes


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